Monday, February 18, 2008

Rural Cosmopolitanism

Vinay Gidwani Gidwani and K. Sivaramakrishnan, 2003 Circular Migration and Rural Cosmopolitanism in India. Contributions to Indian Sociology 37; 339
The authors focus on what they call rural cosmopolitanism, by examining the circular migration between country and the city, as a movement that disrupts the traditional divisions of rural and urban spaces. It also reexamines the notion of globalization and point to the fact that rurality has rarely been included as being involved in this type of analysis when they are also intertwined in globalizing movements as well as being important nodes in the flows of capital, populations, technologies and ideas. For this they base on Lefebvre by understanding the way the lived (representational) and the perceived (practice) dimensions of space are reproduced in the movements form country to city. They propose to expand the notion of the cosmopolitan, by retaining the aspect of the concept that refers to the coexistence of capacities of a person to adapt to and have social competence in multiple socio-cultural formations, but deny the specificity of being a process only linked to big metropolis which function as centres for global capital flow. The circular migrant does not only transmit ideas when they move form one place to the other, but also techniques and material forces which transform the spaces of their circulation. Recent process of industrial regionalization and demands for specific types of labour force are the types of new phenomenon enhancing these types of movements (which have probably always existed). Restricting the cosmopolitan only to trans-national, transcontinental flows limits the analysis to only one of its dimensions and scales, by preventing us see how other social subjects, by moving transform the conception, inhabitation and perception of spaces. Examining these invisible movements can be relevant to nation formation, social movilization and modernity in India, and also in a more general way in other postcolonial contexts.

Bueno breve, nada que me parta la cabeza, pero muy en linea con el "caso" que voy a pensar. Esta bueno el poner atencion en que los movimientos son circulares y los polos de atraccion van variando, aca mas que nada por movimento de capital -en el ciclo D-M-D y la movilizacion de fuerza de trabajo-. Esta bueno tambien pensar un concepto asociado a la globalizacion desde lo mas supuestamente "anti-global" que son campesinos moviendose. Tamben esta bueno que la proponen como diemnsion necesaria para entender al modenidad, nacionalismo, movilización. Bueno algo obvio pero que no me habia detenido a pensar ultimamente en que el capitalismo necesito las grandes relocalizaciones de campesinas con los enclosures, otra dimension espacial de la politica. Bueno tambien recuerda que esta bueno tener el panorama en clave economica.

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