Sunday, September 21, 2008

trinh t min-ha

A quote form an interview with min-ha I find interesting

This may fit well with today's transnational economy, in which the crossing of geophysical boundaries is of wide occurrence, whether by choice or by political circumstances. But for the notion of the transversal and the transcultural to take on a life in one's work, traveling would have to happen in one place, or inward. Home and abroad are not opposites when traveling is not set against dwelling and staying home. In a creative context, coming and going can happen in the same move and traveling is where I am. Where you are is where your identity is; that's your place and that's your home...
G S: That's your now.

T Mh: Yes, exactly. Going from one place to another is here returning home.

1 comment:

rafaawa said...

"Going from one place to another is here returning home" could be the title of your dissertation.......