Me quedé un poco atascada con los filosofos, pero me hicieron pensar bastante y me dieron ganas de quedarme aca atascada más tiempo. Tengo para fichar el texto de siempre de Foucault (que lei por primera vez en el 94, me partió la cabeza y me hizo decidir ir a las ciencias sociales), que releí con varias preguntas que todavía no resulevo. Todavía creoq ue no llego a entender todo lo que implica su trabajo, que tendría que leer en casi su totalidad por que en cada trabajo agrega dimensiones de comlejidad a lo anterior.
Bueno la pregunta basica es que es exactamente el poder para Foucault, algo se puede exlpicar describiendo como funciona pero se sigue escapando. Entiendo que hace criticas utiles al marxismo, entiendo tambienq que su conceptualizacion va variando y eque en definitiva le intereza mas la contruccion de sujetos que el poder en si. Poder es una relacion que solo por momentos es dominio (poder soverano), es controlar la conducta a traves de tecnologías especificas (disciplina, aunque esto pierde su centralidad despues), es tambien etrategias para influir la conducta de otros y es formas de administrar la relacion entre personas y objetos (governmentalidad). TAmbien entiendo que no son las instituciones las que necesariamente crean el poder sino que ellas mismas son efctos de nuevas formas de poder. En esto el estado es "govermentalizado" junto a otras instituciones que lo son tambien y no es tanto que el estado desarrolla una forma "govermental" de gobierno.
La relacion entre poder y valor es algo que no resuelvo, por que no habla de valor pero si esta ahi, en la busqueda de eficaia y sumatoria de fuerzas del poder disciplinario en un nivel y a la vez tambien en el cultivo del self hay una critica a la produccion de valor a partir de la ética. También diluye el tema poder - clase o grupo social, por que el poder ahora se reticula y disfunde, sin embargo el poder es efecto de formas de diferenciacion social como lo plantea en alguna parte de la historia de la sexualidad. si el poder no es (o no es tan solo) una relacion de apropiacion de formas de valor por parte de un grupo, aunque si es importante su eficacia para generar formas de valor. En esta linea al relacion poder estado se vuelve bastante mas compleja, si bien algunas lecturas de vigilar y castigar le critican borronear al estado, todo su trabajo posterior muestra que nunca dejo de interesarle.
Quizas lo que plantea no es tanto quien controla el estado, (aunque esta sería una pregunta que sigue siendo relevante -pienso yo) sino de que modo esta operando y cuales son los puntos de aplicacion de su poder: la vida -cuerpos y sus conductas-, una poblacion creada como tal bajo formas de normalizacion. De todas formas se me escapa muchas veces como seguir pensando en estos terminos cuando hay conflictos abiertos con "el estado" que a la vez parecieran reforzar su entidad y planetar que algunos de os mecanismos que propone todavia son objeto de disputa. Estoy pensando mas que nada en la presencia constante del estado para los tobas. Es decir que si bien la dimencion de estado como conjunto de maquinarias disciplinadoras y administradoras de la conducta esta bien presente, tambien hay un uso de lo legal como arena politica. Aca estoy pensando en la "juridizacion de lo indigena" pero tambien en las elcciones y el clientelismo como aparato montado sobre ese sistema , que no es algo que se pueda entender solamente en los terminos que plantea Foucault. Claro la llegada de la "gobernabilidad" si abre varios caminos para pensar en relacion a esto pero el modo en que "el estado" se concretiza en las disputas me parece algo dificil de conjugar con las ideas mas difusas. En mi trabajo me slata siempre la contradiccion entre dirigentes (tobas) interesados en controlar y llegar a acceder al estado, las fuertes criticas que le hacen y los modos mas difusos en los que se intentan escapar o aprovechan su posicion al "margen". Bueno me meti en un meollo aca y nunca se bien como salir.
En todo esto me parece que las criticas que se le hacen a foucault de no definir "quien controla el poder", apuntan justamente a simplificar al desafio que propone, si bien claro que F. marca jerarquias y desigualdades. Es decir que algunos estan en mayores condiciones de efectuar poder que otros, si bien ellos mismos no son soberanos absolutos de sus acciones (moore). La critica de que subjetiviza al poder como fuerza con casi una "vountad" propia tambien parece errada por que no es una fuerza "en si", sino que sus formas surgen de coyunturas sociales (esto creo hace eco de niezteche y la inversion de lo bueno en malo como nueva forma de poder) y sus puntos de aplicacion son sujetos, que realidad devienen sujetos como resultado de esta acción. Bueno creo que todo esto es una mezcla de cosas que trabaje el año pasado. Aca las notas.
Foucault, Michel. 1995. Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Alan Sheridan trans. NY: Vintage Books. (Selections Chapter 2 and 3)
Foucault points to the fact that detention is not just fisical deprivation of libert but a technical project. This can be seen in the transition form public executions to imprisonment. If the type of punishment under the monarchy was that of the public torture, in which the iolence that a person was supposed to have created to the body of the sovereign was directed back to him in a theatre of torture (as law was considered an extension of the sovereign body the punishment was directing violence back to the body of the offender. However these displays provided public demonstrations of both rage and sympathy towards the convict, its body became an arena of contestation between sovereign and the masses.
Reformists proposed that the punishment of the sovereign was uncontrolled and uneven, thus they argued for a more evenly distributed and controlled power to punish within state administration. Foucault claims that it is less an equalitarian humanitarism, and more the development of a technological project related to the production of new forms of (modern bourgeois) power in which the control is made less visible and more effective “by bringing [punishment] under the veil of administrative decency.” (263) These changes are not made by a conscious desition form a position of centrality, but are rather how a new form is created form contingent and small shifts resulting form different purposes (a notion of transition implied in the genealogic model). The spectacle o public punishment is transformed into a disciplinatory glance. This shift is important because this new form of punishment is a model of control of society in general.
Discipline is a mechanism for altering individual behaviour and enhancing the possibilities of making a number of individuals act in a certain way, with less cost of energy and violence. It is based on a series of techniques of control which produces bodies as the object of knowledge. These techniques are hirarchical observation, evaluation and measurement, and normative judgement of conduct. These technologies make use of particular configuration of space as necessary element of their functioning. This new form of control punishes for the first time, the absence of action as well as deviant actions. Normalization thus does not point to an action as its point of operation but by classifying a person into normal or abnormal, subjecting the second to a series of normalyzing dispositives. Thus the excessive force of the sovereign is transformed into the technology of discipline that created individual docile bodies and enabled them to perform a series of duties required by the modern organizations. However discipline is not just functional to the economy but to a more effective and reticulated form of power, which has subjects as its effects. Modern subjects are made as individual cellular components under constant invigilation which do not have contact to the other, but whose forces are combined in an additive process, whose movements have been organically internalized and thus unmediated by reason, and whose processes of change are monitored. If the institutions claim to be egualitarian the discourses they deploy construct uneven power relations. Discipline is not just directed to “subordinate” subjects but applied as a positive constitution of upper classes that differentiates form others by enclosing and disciplining the body.
He understands then the deployment of the body as a way of controlling populations by creating a particular area of power-knowledge institutionalized in medicine, epidemics, pedagogy and psychiatry, among others. The theoretical ideas of Michael Foucault brought into discussion the way power is not only a series of constrictions and directions given to individuals to socialize them, but is also a creative energy which produces individuality, sexuality (a discourse and its effects), pleasure. Once this has been conceptualized, more subtle processes can be also considered. In this sense it can be considered that power acquires different intensities and forms in particular historical and social contexts.
Foucault considers the body as the main area of production of disciplined subjects as characteristic of modernity. He traces a positive aspect of power, one that not only constrains but also produces people by conducting procedures and thus shape themselves in particular ways. The internalization of certain forms of control is related to specific process undertaken in different social institutions. From the education system, o the prison the hospital or the factory, subjects are submitted to particular actions. One of them is fixing people to a delimited place. This disciplinary cell isolates the individuals into compartments, separate one person form the other limiting interactions but subjecting all of them, and is “transparent” to the vision of the invigilator, which is itself not visible, but could be watching at any time. The result is that interns behave as I they were seen continuously, they internalize the glance of the invigilator. The model of this type of interaction is the Panoptic, an architectural design developed by Jeremy Bentham thought for increasing the effectivity in the organization of people in different productive endeavorus, enhance the product of workers’ labour in a factory, normalize insane people and criminals, educate children. In other words, individual subjects are delimited through subjecting the body to certain norms through different techniques that are then incorporated. The machinery of the panopticon replaces as a form of power replaces the power relation residing in the body of the sovereign. Thus, in this way of understanding how modern subjects are produced, Foucault brings into play the shaping of bodies through a particular disposition of place.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
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11:45 AM
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A couple more texts that could be useful...
History of Sexuality, volume one. Short, accessible, and in some ways an update on Foucault's view of power, introducing the concept of "biopower."
Society Must be Defended. Longer and more complex, but interesting on sovereignty and (above all) on race. A bit way-out on race, though.
I've mentioned this already, but here we go again... Deleuze's "Postcript on the Societies of Control" (also "Postscript on Control Societies"), which tries to systematize some of what Foucault has to say on power. NB Deleuze may or may not be being very faithful to Foucault's own conceptions here, but his take has been sufficiently influential in its own right.
thanks, right i guess that it should at least complete this anotation with biopower and politics of the body. I just read heterotopias, too his brief lecture on other spaces and seems to be engaging with what is outside the disciplinary or at least heterogeneous enough to make a power's grip insufficient.
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